Olesya Amacker began her study of Taijiquan in 2001. Under the guidance of Master Robert Amacker, she learned the complete Taijiquan curriculum: Solo Form, Tuishou, Three-step and Circular Tuishou, Da Lu, and Sanshou, and began the study of Taijijan (Taiji Sword).

Olesya Amacker and Bob Amacker.
Prague, 2014

Olesya Amacker and Ken Van Sickle. 
New York city, 2015

She continued her pursuit of the sword with Master Ken Van Sickle, who was one of Zheng Manqing’s famous “Second Seven” students of note, and who has devoted his life to the study of Taiji form and fencing, receiving from him in 2015 a certificate authorizing her as a teacher. 

Olesya Amacker taught classes in California (US), Prague (Czech Republic).
Starting the spring of 2022, she opened classes for beginners in Marin and Sonoma counties California.


Single Whip; Raise Hands and White Crane –
Solo Form and Application
Lead by Olesya Amacker and Vlasta Pechova